About me

Fareed Bader is a prominent business icon in Bahrain with 40 years experiance and the Chairman of Bader Group of Companies. Bader Group operates in a variety of industries in MENA region covering trade, manufacturing, real estate, investing in environment and renewable energy. Fareed Bader holds a number of strategic designations which include being a Chairman of industries committee at Bahrain Chamber of Commerce, and Member of American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain, Board Member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization Bahrain Chapter and Board Member of Ajyad Capital. Fareed Bader is also involved in a number of community services including his position as a Past President of Rotary Club, Manama, Past President of Toastmasters FCT in Bahrain, as well as Financial Advisor at Aliya Society for children with autism. Fareed Bader has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and management from Swansea University in the United Kingdom. Fareed Bader loves public speaking and empowering the young entrepreneur to unlesh their potential.

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My Message

We promote the core value of “Innovation" and "social impact". With the constant pursuit of business development, we are strongly committed to community, creating a harmonious coexistence with all parties related.

We stick to the “people –oriented” management philosophy, care and value to the simultaneous growth and development of both the enterprise and its employees. We are committed to build learning, researching and revolutionary organization through continuous innovation and development.

What we have done is to change ourselves, to change others and to change the community. All of the changes are for one goal, beautiful and sustainable environment! We will partner with our customers and suppliers, making every effort and contribution for the creation our beautiful homes and the sharing of our beautiful lives.

Our Vision

To be a leading corporation delivering sustainable value to all stakeholders.

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Our Mission

  • To provide an exceporation level of service and to see through tocompletion (and often beyond).
  • To abide at all times by industry standards and regulations and to strive for quality in all that we do.
  • To develop a winning portfolio of sustainable businesses.
  • To deliver superior financial returns through operational excellence and high perfomance standards.
  • To provide an environment for our people to realize their full potential.
  • To promote innovation and creativity culture.
  • To value and make a positive impact on the environment in which we live, to improve the quality of life for the communities amongst which we work and to support and protect the heritage of our local area.

Our Philosophy

Bader Group is bold, ambitious, dedicated, excellent, respectful, caring and organized to the pursuit of sucess. At all times we aim to build and storng and lasting relationships, founded on trust and honesty, with all our clients, suppliers, professional associates and our own personnel.

  • Bold - we have always been leaders in our sector through proactive innovation and investment into new ideas. We continue to challenge norms for the btter.
  • Ambitious - We will continue to “be better” - We will increase our skills, gain more knowledge, try new things, learn from mistakes and focus on the positive in order to shape our future.
  • Dedicated - We work hard and are committed to providing value in the most efficient manner.
  • Excellent - We aim to consistently provide nothing but the best.
  • Respect - We are honest and sincere in our words and actions, always striving to do “ the right thing” in the” right way.”
  • Caring - We work not only for our personal interests but also for the wider interests of the community and the environment.
  • Organized - We adhere to good governance and sound managment principles. We work as a team to deliver to our stake holde’s expectations.
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Our Corporate Structure

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